Pursuing Goals
Wandering around aimlessly in one direction and then another makes it very hard to get anywhere. Setting a destination as a goal, and then sticking with that destination as the goal and never changing it, is your only way to actually get to the destination. That doesn’t mean you never change your intended destination, even after you begin the journey, it simply means that you can’t get anywhere at all without a goal. Goals get you moving. Even if they don’t always take you the right way at first, at least they get you moving in some direction or other.
Setting goals in life and work is an excellent way to keep an eye on yourself, an idea discussed in the lesson on Self. Keeping your Focus on those goals helps you get to them. At the same time, actually working towards those goals in the real adult world gives you plenty of chance to exercise principles such as Steadfastness and Compromise. Some goals are short term and others long-term, keep a big picture view of those goals where needed and use some patience as you mix and match your life ingredients and principles along the way.
Checking regularly to see if your goals align with your Integrity will help you make sure that you don’t spend time chasing goals that you don’t really want or need to achieve. This is an especially important idea to keep in mind. Achieving goals can be difficult, you want to make sure that you really want to win any life battles that you fight. Achieving hollow goals can be a very disappointing personal experience and the pursuit of those goals means a lot of wasted time and effort. Choose your goals wisely and your life will be a much happier experience overall.
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Pursuing Goals